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The Missing Piece of the Internet is Here: 5 Fundamental Facts Everyone Needs to Know About The Bitcoin Blockchain

The Missing Piece of the Internet is Here: 5 Fundamental Facts Everyone Needs to Know About The Bitcoin Blockchain

Valery Vavilov, CEO and Co-Founder

Mar 10, 2016

I am the co-founder and CEO of the world’s leading Blockchain technology company — The BitFury Group. Everywhere I go — from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to meetings with top public policy influencers — I am asked to explain what Bitcoin is, what the Blockchain is, what the Bitcoin Blockchain is and — most importantly — why it matters. I am thrilled that more people want to know about the Bitcoin Blockchain and I am even more excited to educate and inform inquiring minds. This technology is changing the world and it’s just the beginning.

Here are a few fundamental facts everyone needs to know about the Bitcoin Blockchain:

A Call for Consensus

A Call for Consensus


Feb 11, 2016

Over the past few months there has been significant attention within the bitcoin ecosystem and beyond on what is commonly referred to as the “block size issue” — the size and scale of bitcoin blocks. There is a pressing need for an inclusive roadmap that takes into account the needs of businesses and all stakeholders.

When Everyone Wins: The Bitcoin Consensus Round Table Organized by BitFury

When Everyone Wins: The Bitcoin Consensus Round Table Organized by BitFury


Jan 23, 2016

A day after the North American Bitcoin Conference took place in Miami, Florida, BitFury held a round table discussion. The goal of the gathering that aimed to bring Bitcoin Core developers, Bitcoin Classic developers, bitcoin businesses, bitcoin miners, and other bitcoin network participants together, was to facilitate a consensus-driven discussion on the industry’s hottest issues.

Keep Calm and Bitcoin On

Keep Calm and Bitcoin On

Valery Vavilov, CEO

Jan 18, 2016

I grew up in Soviet Latvia and witnessed firsthand the elimination of my parent’s life savings. All of their dreams were gone when the Soviet Union and the banking systems collapsed in 1991. Then, like a nightmare, my own investment dreams were shattered in the global financial crisis of 2008. I knew as a child, and I know even more now as an adult that we, as a global technology community, can and must do better.

Combating Bitcoin Use by Terrorists?

Combating Bitcoin Use by Terrorists?

Jason Weinstein, Bitfury Board Advisor

Jan 13, 2016

We Need More Education, Not Halting Innovation

As always, we start off the new year full of hope and promise, but there is unmistakably a shadow of fear that blankets many parts of the world. The threat of terrorism, both across the globe and around the corner, is real, and anxieties are high. In the wake of recent attacks, there is an increased focus by governments and the media on the ways that terrorists communicate and move money. That is a good thing. Unfortunately, some of that attention has been directed at bitcoin and other digital currencies and it is often uninformed, with headlines going so far as to predict a government “crackdown” on this technology. (“EU Clamps Down on Bitcoin, Anonymous Payments to Curb Terrorism Funding.”)

Why I Believe in the Blockchain, And Why You Should Too

Why I Believe in the Blockchain, And Why You Should Too

Jamie Smith, Ex-Global Chief Communications Officer

Dec 04, 2015

I believe in the Blockchain and the transformational power of this technology. And you should too. In fact, I believe in the Blockchain so much that I just left my fantastic job working for Edelman, the greatest and largest Public Relations firm in the world, to take on the role of Global Chief of Communications at BitFury — the leading Bitcoin Blockchain infrastructure provider and transaction processing company in the world.

Scratching your head yet? A little intrigued? Keep reading.

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