
From The Bitfury Group Newsroom

Bitcoin Agreement Promises to Break Impasse; Currency Jumps in Value

Bitcoin Agreement Promises to Break Impasse; Currency Jumps in Value

Feb 21, 2016

On Friday and Saturday, a group of key players in Bitcoin met in Hong Kong and came to an agreement over some questions that have divided the community for more than a year and caused it to split into factions.

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BitFury CEO Valery Vavilov On Increasing The Size Of Bitcoin “Blocks”

BitFury CEO Valery Vavilov On Increasing The Size Of Bitcoin “Blocks”

Jan 21, 2016

Among those topics addressed with senior editor Matt Burns: What BitFury does exactly, why the venture-backed company is supporting a somewhat controversial proposal within the bitcoin community to increase bitcoin bandwidth from the current one megabyte “block” to two megabytes (Vavilov thinks it will increase the scalability of the bitcoin blockchain), and those cases where bitcoin is likely to become very useful.

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5 Bitcoin and Blockchain Startups to Watch in 2016

5 Bitcoin and Blockchain Startups to Watch in 2016

Dec 30, 2015

Nearing the end of 2015, many are questioning the future of bitcoin. 2016, it's safe to say, will be a crucial 12-month period.

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It's Been a Challenging Year But Bitcoin Is Still Booming

It's Been a Challenging Year But Bitcoin Is Still Booming

Dec 28, 2015

Bitcoin has yet to find its "killer app" but the currency's being traded at higher volumes than ever

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BitFury Announces Mass Production of Fastest and Most Effective 16nm ASIC Chip In The World

BitFury Announces Mass Production of Fastest and Most Effective 16nm ASIC Chip In The World

Dec 16, 2015

New chip cements BitFury as industry leader in energy efficiency. Leading bitcoin blockchain transaction processing company will bring chip to market in first quarter of 2016 through integration and reseller partners

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BitFury to Launch Energy Efficient Immersion Cooling Data Center

BitFury to Launch Energy Efficient Immersion Cooling Data Center

Dec 11, 2015

BitFury Group, the leading Bitcoin Blockchain infrastructure provider and transaction processing company in the world, will open its third mega data center next week.

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BitFury opening third carbon neutral Bitcoin mining operation in Georgia

BitFury opening third carbon neutral Bitcoin mining operation in Georgia

Dec 11, 2015

Bitcoin mining giant BitFury Group is opening its third energy saving data center in Republic of Georgia next week.
BitFury is one of the good guys when it comes to sustainable and renewable bitcoin mining operations.

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Why I believe in the Blockchain and Why You Should Too

Why I believe in the Blockchain and Why You Should Too

Dec 04, 2015

5 Ways to Imagine this Groundbreaking Innovation.

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Former White House Communicator Jamie Smith joins BitFury as Global Chief Communications Officer

Former White House Communicator Jamie Smith joins BitFury as Global Chief Communications Officer

Dec 04, 2015

Smith will direct Global Communications for the biggest private Bitcoin Blockchain transaction processing company in the world.

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Bitcoin Mining Titan BitFury: No to BIP 101, Yes to Block-size Consensus

Bitcoin Mining Titan BitFury: No to BIP 101, Yes to Block-size Consensus

Dec 04, 2015

BitFury has re-established its belief that the current 1 megabyte block-size limit must be changed only if agreed upon by consensus. BitFury CEO Valery Vavilov told Bitcoin Magazine. “As Bitcoin Core developers note , Bitcoin is not only software, but also a blockchain protocol. Therefore, we think that the Bitcoin protocol should be developed like other Internet protocols – by a consensus process involving all parties. This process may be lengthy, but it is better than making decisions that don’t consider all points of view.”

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